

Hey Bruce... have ya ever had cereal WITHOUT  milk?  It ain't
half bad when ya look at it as a SNACK-FOOD to munch on
(maybe with sliced bananas or strawberries and other
finger-food nummies on it?).

OR... if you're looking at cereal ONLY as fiber,  sprinkle crunchy
cereal over ice cream as a topping.  How 'bout lining the pan
with corn flake crumbs when ya make macaroni 'n cheese and
toss some crumbs on top before baking?  Dip chicken in corn
flake crumbs before baking (TOTALLY yummy!).

Rather then see cereal as the usual breakfast meal that
DEMANDS milk be poured over it to qualify for that
"BREAKFAST" label, how 'bout trying a BAGEL for breakfast?

Think BIG, Bruce, and put a differnt spin on breakfast - have
a bagel instead of cereal one day as a test case <grin>  It'll
work fine!  (Trust me.. would _ I _ lie about a BAGEL?) <giggle>

Barb Mallut (who's suddenly famished!)
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From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of Bruce Anderson
Sent:   Wednesday, August 26, 1998 10:49 PM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: Possible Help for Back & Shoulder Pains!

How can i eat cereal in the morning if i have to stay away from the protein
in milk until evening?
