

Hi Marling:  Yes, I have been thinking about the decorative standpoints.  I
have seen at the surrounding County Fairs the Saw Blades that are painted.
Nice, but I really think drapping ivy down with the Chain Saw hanging from the
walls.  A few flowers laced within the ivy would look nice.  Various Colors
even a ribbon may blend.  Great as a Wedding Gift covered with the bridal
colors.  Can also use the Chain Saw to cut the Wedding Cake, you could do 2-3
layers at once.  There are so many uses to the Chain Saw.  Of course you have
seen the ice carving with the saw and it works very well.  You can design a
lovely back yard with the saw and some trees.  Trim at different angles, or
totally down.
I know you have all seen those troublesome gates, this is the way to handle
them.  Landlord lock up your apartment and belongings, this is the solution to
your problem.  Take control of your problems.  Need Hay/Straw for your
animals?  Help yourself it is the greatest little at your side helper.
Someone parking in your space, forget that little ole can of mace
Let your neighbors hear your tough talk, I think its sure they won't follow
your walk.
When you go out in the air at night, There is something to add its a big ole
Sorry Ken
Hug to you Marling