

This is just my opinion .. I am like many of you about my frustration over
spam and pronographic e-mail. However the internet is, for now, a free and
open medium. There are those in government,religion,and comercial interests
who itch for control over content. I have worked as an administrator in
public education long enough to know that there are objectionest and hate
groups for every nobel cause out there. I have heard it all from objections
of Edna St. Vincent Milay poetry to the Easter Bunny. Yes all ... there is,
and would be a group fighting to control even us harmless Parkies given the
oppertunity of control. Their cause nobel to them and offencible to us,
none the less, they exist.

I suppose the point I am trying to make is we may need to rachet up our
tolerence level a bit in order to stay free here on the internet. I still
frown at the trash mail I get but I do what they hate the most ... I don't
read it.

To Ken : You got a perty good whipping here today over your errant .jpg
file. I have had e-mail from 36 of the worlds major religions informing me
that your application for Sainthood is on suspension for a period of 6
months. Don't dispair Ken ... Pete Rose ain't in the Baseball Hall of Fame
