

Oh I am all for fighting terrorists.  THe point is, what is a
terrorist?  A terrorist, I believe, kills indiscriminately.  A terrorist
wrecks the lives of innocent people, breaks up families, creates havoc,
and contentiion.
Well, in that  case I have a terrorist living in my house.  A terrorist
that is destroying my family, that is alienating my children, that is
preventing me from parenting adequatelyu.  A terrorist that is disguised
as a foster care worker coming to take away my children. A terrorist
that comes to bed with me at night and prevents me frmm sleeping. A
terrorist who destroys the normal smooth running of my home, and ties it
all to a medicine cycle. A terrorist who sets my arms flailing, so that
I hit an innocent child in the face. It does not take the FBI to find
out who that terrorist is. Take a bow Mr Parkinson.
And this terrorist has destroyed more lives thana a few hundred in east
Africa, more injuries than a few thousand.

 NO, I am not belittling the tragedy that happened. My double heritage
would never allow me to do that! I am merely trying to put things in
some sort of perspective.  Mr Clinton had no problem funding the strike
against the alleged perpertrators of the East African tragedy. But why
is it so difficult to fight the terrorists in our own back yard?  Why is
it so difficult to get the funding to fight the war against
Parkinson's..  After all there exists a law, passed last November,
called  the Udall Bill ( remember?) that states  that a certain sum of
money be allocated for research in PD .  Where is it? Why are we
allowing it to slip from our grasp?
Come on, Members of Congress.  Its not enough to double funding for NIH.
We want whats been promised to us. So go ahead, vote in favor of HR4274
- and earmark that money for Parkinsons.

And keep the terrorists from our door.

Hilary Blue


Ivan M Suzman wrote:
> ^^^^^^WARM GREETINGS  FROM^^^^^^^^^^
> Ivan Suzman      48/12                 [log in to unmask]
> Portland, Maine   land of lighthouses     57    deg. F
> ***********************************************************
>    I must say that I was quite shocked to learn today, upon telephoning a
> college classmate in Boston, that America had dropped 90 or 100 bombs on
> "terrorists."  All I could think of is, why can't President Clinton issue
> an Executive Orde instead, and drop 90 or 100 million dollars into the
> needy budgets of promising neurological research projects that might lead
> to the BIG DISCOVERY that will cure Parkinson's Disease?
> How many innocent lives are being snuffed out by bombs, while we who are
> sick and suffering see America's precious resources drained away into
> overseas military machoism again??
> IN the 60's, my two favorite buttons were "Make Bread, Not Bombs" and
> "What if they gave a war and nobody came?" Who has time for wars when
> people who are ill are left to die uncured?
> Now "Our Time is Running Out!"  The sand in our  Parkinson's hourglass is
> nearly gone.  Mr. Clinton has not, in my humble opinion, advanced his
> position, or America's popularity, by using bombs to deflect attention
> away from Ms. Lewinsky.  If he would declare a "War on Disease," I would
> THEN be a warrior!!
> Meanwhile the War on Parkinson's must be fully funded. Until the
> government's priorities are changed, I  am truly too busy trying to
> conquer Parkinson's Disease to agree meanwhile  to another  war on
> "terrorists!"