

I see what has happened to this country.  The world's WatchDog.  One of these
days I fear, that someone will twitch or have a tremor and that will be it.
But I can't help how I live and feel.  If that is the end, no amount of
reading the papers, watching the news, or wandering why is gonna stop it.  I
seem to deal with life differently in that if it is my time nothing will stop
it.  Some others and I had a long discussion about who are the chosen, tribes
that are going, Revelations, and it is very heavy stuff.  Now I don't think
I'm one of the chosen.  And they should have been chosen, look at all they
went through.  Then there are the 12 tribes that are going.  Now I don't know
how much space there is but to me it isn't really that earthshaking.  When
it's done it's done and I'm at peace with that. I know I am loved.
We have been a warring nation world since who knows.  Is it control, is it
testoserone(don't know, women are in armed forces now), is it like a game of
risk, wanting the lands of others.  Our children play with war toys, the
cartoons are horrid, the computer games are all battles.  I'm not saying we
teach our children war games, but we don't do anything deter them.
So, now the military has played out there hand.  I hear it was the wrong
place, or this guy they were trying to catch wasn't there.  That's kool.
Also, that the other side has the power to take us all out.  That was very
stratigic planning.  I am sorry Jim that I sound cynical or laksidasical I was
in the 60's Peace Marches.  I watched as my male friends marched to war (Viet
Nam) and never came back.  Oh some did come back as drug addicts, hopeless wet
brains, instutitionalizd, or just waiting to die.  Man was pitted against man,
young men arrested for not wanting to go to war, as old white haired
politicians made the choices for us.  My brother left the country. Never to
return, shattered family,shattered dreams.  Our country was split in half
because we (younger) had no concept of what older generation wanted.  Yet when
they came home from Nam look how the were treated.  Like garbage, called baby
killers, turned away, they did a job we wanted done and look what happened.
Desert Storm was another little conflict, our soldiers have all kinds of
physical problems and no one wants to help.  Sounds like PD people.  I have
just rambled on.  It is a very dear subject to me.  So many of my friends
died, or should have.  The goverment chose to lie about the body count, why
should I be them.  Jim I just believe that if my government is foolish enough
to fight with nuculear power I really don't stand a chance.  I want to finish
this on a good note.  I love this life.  It was given to me, to take care of.
And I've watched as the world tears itself apart.  For what, a little more
sand, a little more grass a bigger voice or oil.  When is the time to say
enough, I will not join in this.  This is just my opinion.  It is not here for
you to try and chance my mind, this is how I feel.  And I feel this way for
all of you.  We were blessed with so much and so many times we have to see
what is important.  We all are.  I was sent to serve  purpose to give back a
gift, and I'm trying to do that.   I do have hugs for all of you
I'm tired I had a trip to chicago - new doctor.  I thought I sent a message,
but if not that's ok.