

I hope that the flap over Ken's attachment is now over!  I do not
hold any animosity towards Ken, as his gaffe was a mistake and he has
acknowledged it.  I have written him privately about it.

I still get peeved when others keep sending attachments and
"v-cards", etc., but that is not the purpose of this message.  I am
going to try to "educate" a little here (for those who are inclined
towards "technology").

I got Ken's big attachment message later than most.  My ISP
apparently "held" it for a while, but it appeared this morning (about
1.7MB for me).  It, however, exceeded the size that my system will
accept and so, it did not download when I retrieved mail.  I knew
about it because my mail retrieval started with "Message number 2"
instead of "number 1".  That means, in my system, that the "Message
number 1" is a large one (a "mail bomb").

What needs to be done is for that message to be deleted (in order to
"unblock" the system).  This can be done by a process called "Telnet"
whereby you can access your mailbox and control it as if you were
typing on the ISP's computer.  Some Internet software has as part of
it, a Telnet client (Netcom's Netcruiser has such), and there are
other programs, available as freeware or shareware, available on the
'Net for downloading.  A good one is "Net-Term" which is shareware
and can be downloaded many places.

Once you Telnet into your mailbox (using the mailbox address and
Port, which you can get from your ISP), you access the big message
and delete it without reading it.  That's what I did with Ken's

If this is understandable, well and good.  If not, check with your
ISP and they will tell you how to do the Telnetting.  Otherwise, a
call to them asking that your mailbox content be deleted should
"unblock" things, but Telnetting allows you to preserve the rest of
the messages and having the ISP "unblock" you may result in some lost

Sorry to take up space, but this may be helpful to some.




Neurological Surgery
2500 Milvia Street  Suite 222
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"Ex Tristitia Virtus"
