

Thank you, Gina, for taking me seriously.  I was happy/surprised to see
someone who agreed with me on these issues.  I just get so frustrated with
all the waste and stupidity of the investigators.  I mean, how can we be so
obsessed with the President's life?  When I read all the polls about the
investigation (how many Americans believe Clinton/Monica, etc, etc.) I just
laugh to myself.  I would really like to know how many "average Americans"
could answer truthfully about an affair in front of their spouse and
children.  Perjury (sp?) is a bad, horrible thing for a man we're supposed
to trust to do, but you have to look at what the perjury was about.  An
affair?  Who really  cares?

Just my humble opinions.

-----Original Message-----
From: Gina Cass. <[log in to unmask]>
To: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Friday, August 21, 1998 7:56 PM
Subject: Re: Fighting Terrorists

>Hi Becky:  Thank you for your Fighting Terrorists.  I happen to agree with
>very much.  I feel that what was done between Pres/Monica is important but
>country is more, much more important.  I want the country and her people to
>see the light and band together to help each other.  Don't ever apoligize
>your age, you did a great job.  Maybe we should look more often through the
>eyes of our Nations Young.
>Thank you so much for speaking so greatly.