

Hi again
As the resident cabergoline trial person on the list (I think I recall only
one other person ever responding to the list re: cabergoline
dosage)..........I will comment here.

I was on the cabergoline trial for four years.  I deemed cabergoline to be a
gift from the heavens and thought that I would probably fold into a heap when
it was taken from me.....My neuro (MDS)  even commented that if I still wanted
the cabergoline it would be on the market for lactation adjustments....and I
could still have access to it  if the Mirapex were not
working...................(my cabergoline dosage had worked its way up to 4-5
mg. per day)

I started on Mirapex about 10 days after withdrawing from the
cabergoline.....adjustments were necessary (no one knew the equivalent amount
of one drug vs. the other.....).........I started Mirapex at 3 mg per
day.....have stayed there actually......reducing my sinemet
intake......eventually stopping eldepryl (at 5 mg per day for the past 2 1/2
years.....although I had taken eldepryl since 1990, an earlier attempt at
alleviating the eldepryl had shown that 10 mg per day was not necessary, but
the 5 mg dosage seemed to work as an antidepressant for me).

Even though I was accustomed to having the long term effect of the cabergoline
(once a day vs. 3 x per day)......which does produce a more long term
result.....the 3x per day dosage was not a problem since I was on other drugs
with multiple dosage and therefore seemed to only add one more pill to the mix
at various times.

What is my response today (approximately 1 year later.....just realized that
it is exactly one year ago today that I started Mirapex)..................I
would not go back to cabergoline.

When I stopped the cabergoline:  4-5 mg per day/  CR---2.5 per day/  10/100
7-8 per day/ eldepryl......5 mg per day.......Off time 55-70%;  on time 10
%...walking with a cane always.........difficulty swallowing; difficulty
breathing........first four hours in the morning were virtually lost as I was
so stiff....swallowing and breathing were an effort.....climbing stairs was
next to impossible...I would crawl up if I needed to go up stairs.......Sleep
at night 4 hours maximum

Today:.......3 mg Mirapex; 5 10/100 maximum per day.....most days are 4
I am "on" within 20 minutes of taking my first pills. Swallowing difficulty
eliminated (15 pounds weight gain was not welcome....but I could enjoy eating
for the first time in years and that was where the weight
entered)......breathing less of a chore....
sleep is now 6 hours most nights.....occasionally I get 8 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I personally feel that for me the cabergoline was somewhat addictive.......I
always wanted more medication.....We note some personality changes......less
anger on my part......less "fight"......but that is a positive not a negative
in this instance....according to my husband.

There was a pleasure center in the brain that was touched by the cabergoline
that is not touched by the Mirapex.......I noticed this for about 3 months
after withdrawing from the cabergoline..........I wanted that sense of
"everything is great".......and I probably did look to food to try to satisfy
that feeling (it didn't.....I now look to Weight Watchers!)......

Although I would have stomped on whoever made the decision to withdraw the
cabergoline at the time I learned it would end for Parkinson's
patients...........a year later I will FIRMLY STATE.......I am glad that I am
not on cabergoline any longer.  It has made me very aware of the changes that
one can experience with drugs.......

(By the way, it took me two months to start reducing sinemet
levels.....).....some changes could be viewed as a reduction in
sinemet.....but I could not have reduced the levels of levadopa while on the
Sinemet....(we had tried).......

So............those of you who are quick to judge the decision of the
pharmaceutical company as a move against us.........wait until you have seen
all of the evidence for the decision that is made.........maybe they did learn
from the drug trials.......maybe they did perceive the problems that I listed
above........I did have calls from the Pharmacia rep handling the drug trials
with my neuro to clarify some of my "noted changes" between
visits.........they were aware of the "problems" I was having and did seek
more information from patients at times........

I cannot speak for all patients by any means......but the switch to Mirapex as
a drug with less side effects for me was a positive move.

Rita Weeks   53/9