

    Good morning! It is now 6:30am EST Acton Ma.time.First I want to thank you for your openness and for working on Saturday. I've been up since
about 5am to continue my internet search for dollar information regarding
Axon and the Society for Neuroscience. Of course there is no flashing arrow pointing to Axon Inst. "THE BOOKS----> How much do they contribute to the Society?" You said you were with a small company but I thought you might just belong to one of the exchanges. Nope. No SEC filings, Nope.As for the society.being a society of individuals, they don't list a thing about their major contributors.Couldn't come up with your name either not that I expected to but....
   So I must ask you if you [or someone else you may wish to pass me on to but I doubt you would feel the need to] could pry open the books and tell me about profit, $ to the Society and other contributions. You know, a Financial Report. By the way I don't have any problem with the "for profit" concept. However I do believe that Businesses need to have a social responsibility to turn back a portion of their profits to their "communities" And I, Mr. Blatz,
am part of Axon's "community"
    Any thoughts on how I might get a look at the books of the society? A "No" answer would be acceptable
   Backing up a bit to another issue. I wasn't suggesting that you replace your lead graphic with a photograph but rather that you substitute photographs for nearly ALL of your illustrations. I have several great photos of my brain from a MRI viewpoint. If you can't find it on my website be sure to ask. I have some 8+ hours of video tapes
   One further clarification:
      I asked:  Would you be interested in supporting a Children's March for PD on Washington?
      You answered:  Maybe.  Have you requested that we contribute?
      My now response: No. But I've been very impressed with the AIDS COMMUNITY ability to raise research and treatment dollars and a large measure of that is due,in my opinion,to the pictures and stories of children with AIDS and their families. But if the PD community were to think about sending their children to advocate for them would you consider us for a grant? Could you have your folk send me a grant application package now?

          George J. Lussier
          593 Pine Cone Strand
          Acton,Ma. 01718

      All for now but I'll await your response. And I do thank you for your openness

Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
    that saved a wretch like me!
    I once was lost, but now am found;
    was blind, but now I see.

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