

I also participated in the test of cabergoline.  I found it to be very
effective for me.

When the study ended, I was very surprised that they took us off the
cabergoline "cold turkey."  In addition, my neurologist had moved and the
neurologist who completed the study did not follow us beyond the end of the
study.  I had to beg another neurologist to see me right away, as when they
took the cabergoline away, I immediately started to have lots of
problems--tremor, rigidity, etc.  I could hardly move at times.  I was
placed on Mirapex, and it has been moderately effective, but the cabergoline
did a better job for me.

Sorry I didn't respond earlier, but I have been having problems with my
e-mail, I lost my mail program somehow off my computer(???), and therefore
lost a lot of messages that I had pulleld off the network but hadn't read
yet.  I have finally gotten everything squared away with another mail
program.   Hopefully I won't have any more problems.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ivan M Suzman <[log in to unmask]>
To: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Sunday, August 23, 1998 11:19 AM
Subject: Class action lawsuit?-Cabergoline

>Hi folks,
>Do we put up with Cabergoline not being available in the USA??
>My caregiver said, how about a class-action lawsuit against Upjohn?  They
>should not hold Cabergoline hostage!  Or is it the FDA that should be
>^^^^^^WARM GREETINGS  FROM^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>Ivan Suzman         48/12         [log in to unmask]
>Portland, Maine    Land of lighthouses       deg. F
>On Sun, 23 Aug 1998 08:01:22 -0700 "J. R. Bruman"
><[log in to unmask]> writes:
>>[log in to unmask] wrote:
>>> Hi again
>>> As the resident cabergoline trial person on the list (I think I
>>recall only
>>> one other person ever responding to the list re: cabergoline
>>> dosage)..........I will comment here.
>>>Although I would have stomped on whoever made the decision to
>>withdraw the
>>> cabergoline at the time I learned it would end for Parkinson's
>>> patients...........a year later I will FIRMLY STATE.......I am glad
>>that I am
>>> not on cabergoline any longer. I cannot speak for all patients by
>>any means......but the switch to Mirapex as
>>> a drug with less side effects for me was a positive move.
>>Rita, your point is well taken, and very likely Mirapex is better. But
>>we've seen comment by others here, who had to give up on Mirapex. It's
>>a reminder that individual tolerance of PD drugs is extremely variable
>>and "one's meat may be another's poison". So the more options kept
>>available, the better. Cheers,
>>J. R. Bruman   (818) 789-3694
>>3527 Cody Road
>>Sherman Oaks, CA 91403-5013