

 I think this is a terrific idea. Somewhere amongst these 1600 people
must be someone who knows somebody. I know Manfred Mann - but nobody
remembers who he is anymore. He was a neighbour. Somebody out  there
must have a neighbour who grew up to be famous, or a a second cousin or
something.  Or maybe it just takes "chutzpah"  Go back stage after a
show,and ask...

My kids don't think Madonna - she's passe - in fact Jane Amy favours
Katie Kouric - and come to think of it, tho she doesnt have PD, she is
young, newly widowed, with small kids.. She might be sympathetic.
Anybody out there know her personally...?
Any more ideas?
Hilary Blue

Ivan M Suzman wrote:
> Hello e-mail family,
>   Is there anyone out there who likes the lyrics to Madonna's music,
> after she had a child,  besides me?  Maybe the younger members of our
> list, or the children of listmembers are fans?
>   If Madonna could be reached somehow, perhaps by the YOUNG ONSET
> Parkinson's community, and by the YOUNGER caregivers --imagine the money
> that could be raised for us.
>   And in general, there MUST be some famous stars with PARENTS with PD.
> Or a brother or sister...
> There MUST be an actor or actress who can promote our cause.  Muhammad
> and Lonnie Ali seem to be the ONLY "famous" people helping us.
> What do we need to do to "sign up" a team of stars like the AIDS
> activists have done? Ideas??
> Ivan Suzman
> 48/12,  and worsening
> Portland  Maine