

I recently a posted a general request for assistance. I have received the
expected and heartening response from List members, whom should now be
thanked. It is so much easier to hit Reply & send it off to the entire
civilized world than it is to hunt for the person's address & type it in,
that that's what     most of us do.  Ad nauseum even, maybe.  But more
importantly, it all takes up space on the List and decreases the number of
important messages that now can be sent sometimes.

How 'bout it ?  Are we secure enough with each other here that we don't need
that kind of stroking?
Maybe I'm off base.  Perhaps this goes against human nature. How about
negative replies only so,  again to cut down on unneeded mail? Then everyone
can make up their own minds and act accordingly. Don't forget the
"pre-emptive thank you"... "And thanks bunches to all of you who respond to
this request on how to use the [whatever]."  This can be just as thoughtful.

I think this could reduce message traffic by as much as 5% at times.  But
personally, if I see a lot of thank yous posted to the List I'm going to do
the same, as who wants to appear to be rude.  This should be an almost-all
or nothing deal, in my opinion.

[There is really only one type of Thank You that actually bugs  me - the
Thank You For Thanking Me, and especially those which ALSO forwards around
again the object of the original thank you.  AARRRaggghhhh]