

How does one find a good 1] Massage Therapist & 2] Acupuncturist?
1[ credentials, college degrees, etc.? Years doing it? References?  MD

2]  all of the above + where trained?
Are all or some of these important & worth looking into. Or do you just find
someone & take a shot  at it?

My sister lived in Hong Kong and Beijing for 20+ years and believes any good
US acupuncturist will have been trained in the Orient.

>Rosemary & Roland Dexter -

>Lanier, I think you have hit the nail on the head.  Do ANYTHING else first.
>Surgery should be the very last resort.  My husband has found relief with
>acupuncture.  The pain is not all gone but it is now tolerable whereas
>before it was pure agony.  He is now experiencing pain in the back of his
>leg  and another acupuncture treatment has again brought relief.  He also
>goes to massage therapy about every three weeks.  The massage works the
>lactic acid out of the muscles that are cramping and helps them relax. This
>is deep massage, not the easy stuff most people go for.