

Don't despair - this letter is not as long as it seems because you don't
need to read the part under the dotted line which contains a few quotes to
re-inforce my argument.

My concern is that this list is losing valuable members, the Silent
Majority, because of the self indulgences of the Vocal Minority.  Without
naming names it seems to me that if these individuals have so much spare
time to send their idle, and mainly personal, banter back and forth so
frequently then they should have enough time to send it only to the person
concerned and not to the whole group.

For me and my family PD is a much more serious issue than the Vocal Minority
of this group would have us believe.  I am a very busy mother (with four
teenagers) who simply wants to be kept abreast of medical developments and
any other relevant information from other 'parkies', to make my life a
little easier.

The trouble is I simply don't have time to read all the letters. The
important information is probably ending up in the trash unopened (although
there are some names that I recognise and always open).

Appeals to reason seem to have fallen on deaf ears insofar as the Vocal
Minority is concerned.  However, before taking the next step (signoff
parkinsn) I would like to put this simple solution to the Silent Majority.

Every one of us can make a simple mistake, for which we can all expect
tolerance.  Poor ol' Ken Becker's errantly sent photo was an example of an
honest mistake for which he paid dearly.  But his mistake highlighted to me
just how common it has become to reply to any letter by pressing the "Reply
To" button. This has got to stop, or the group will lose all effectiveness.

My 'solution' is not aimed at those who make a simple mistake, but at those who:
a. persistently clog the system by replying to genuine letters with one-line
b. initiate their own personal and/or irrelevant letters
c. masquerade letters as having genuine PD relevance by having a misleading
d. have no title at all.
These writers seem to expect all tolerance to flow their way without
listening to the pleas of others for much less, and more relevantly titled,

If a letter fits the above criteria, and is not a one-off genuine mistake,
then with the opened letter still on your screen follow these simple steps:

1. Click "Redirect" (NOT "REPLY TO")
2. Highlight and Copy the "From" line.
3. Paste this onto the "To" line.
4. Press "Queue" then "Delete"
5. Press "Send Queued Messages" after all mail has been 'processed'.
(These are the terms 'Eudora' uses but every e-mail program will have a
similar process)

The effectiveness of this simple procedure should be evident in a very short
time as those who persist in boring us with their own personal trivialities
will soon get the 'message' as they receive possibly 100s of copies of their
own letter back.

I for one will be starting this method of 'processing' my mail in a couple
of days in order to give a reasonable amount of time for the 'message' to
get through.

In light of Bruce Anderson's suggestion (see below) please only send
negative replies to this suggestion in order to keep the volume to a minimum.

My only motivation is to try to preserve this group from losing the people
who need it the most. Over the last two years I have seen it slowly but
surely degenerating into yet another "chat" line.  A number of those who
used to contribute really helpful information no longer do so and, as stated
above, the important info that is there is easily lost amongst the unimportant.

Regards to all - Christine 47/4


Barbara Patterson wrote (22 Aug):
>I am asking you all to exercise a bit of restraint about posting messages
>on either of these two subjects.  Once again, the parkinsn list was shut
>down because we had exceeded our quota of messages.
>There are probably discussion lists, bulletin boards and chat rooms where
>the 'terrorist thread' is appropriate and welcome.  On this list, the
>only enemy is Parkinson's.  Our members from all over the world battle
>Parkinson's each and every day.  In this respect, we are all united.
>So folks, let's focus on outwitting and outlasting our own particular
>enemy in our own little corner of cyberspace.

Brenda Clement wrote (21Aug)
>Please remove me from this list.  Some of the information is wonderful, but
>there are just too many messages everyday.

Jaon Gore wrote (24 Aug)
>Can someone tell me how to sign off the Parkinson list.  There are just too
many posts coming
>through.Thank you.

Elizabeth Wands wrote (10 Aug):
>Whenever I see a personal name starting a
>message I am very annoyed if it really has nothing to do with what this
>Listserve is meant to do. Why, oh wny, do you need to address your
>comments to the whole group when it has nothing to do with what the list
>is interested in.  Give us a break and use a personal e-mail.  I am sure
>many, many would appreciate it.

Authour Forgotten:
>I subscribed 3 days ago and have received ~300 responses from this
>hyperactive group.
> Next, I'm trying to filter all non-PD and humor messages so that they
>are sent directly to trash.

Bruce Anderson wrote (23 Aug):
>Maybe I'm off base.  Perhaps this goes against human nature. How about
>negative replies only so,  again to cut down on unneeded mail? Then everyone
>can make up their own minds and act accordingly. Don't forget the
>"pre-emptive thank you"... "And thanks bunches to all of you who respond to
>this request on how to use the [whatever]."  This can be just as thoughtful.
>I think this could reduce message traffic by as much as 5%(50%?) at times.  But
>personally, if I see a lot of thank yous posted to the List I'm going to do
>the same, as who wants to appear to be rude.  This should be an almost-all
>or nothing deal, in my opinion.
>[There is really only one type of Thank You that actually bugs  me - the
>Thank You For Thanking Me, and especially those which ALSO forwards around
>again the object of the original thank you.  AARRRaggghhhh]