

Hi Maark
First let me say - been there, done that - still doing that. However, I
have had a little relief, Mainly by mamging what I eat and when.  I
suppose you have tried to do the arithmetic - how can you take sinemet
an hour before eating and two hours after eating if you have to take it
every  hour and a half?.  I eat as little as possible during the day -
that is , I don't starve - a high bran content breakfast with fruit,
fruit or salad for lunch and then dinner  I have a 1 to 7 ratio protein
and veg.  And I cheat plenty - but I try not to eat close to taking
sinemet.  I've recently changed form permax to meripax,  and I take half
of a sinemet CR every one and a half hours. No eldepryl.   A fellow PD
suggested taking sinemet witih  orange juice - and it works.  SOmetimes
as much as two and a half hours go by and I realise I have forgotten my
dose. More important than the amount of medicine I take, its when and
how I eat the protein that really makes the most difference.  Ithink I
have played all possible games witih evey variation of times and
quantites of sinemet.
The other important thing is that I take medication right throgh the
night. If I have too long a gap between doses or if I sleep 3 or 4
hours, then I crash down and at the other end have tremendous
dyskinesia.  So my alarm is set for every two hours - tho since I have
been on the meripax, I seldom sleep that long at one go anyway.
Hope this helps you. If you have any questions, I can try and help you
based on my  own experience. But a doctor I'm not!

Hilary Blue (49/16)

Mark F. Hardy wrote:
> Help - I'm having severe 'down times' and am looking for ANY suggestions or
> ideas.  I was taking 1 sinemet 25/100 about every 1 to 1 1/2 hours, .5 mg of
> Permax 3 times a day, one 5 mg Eldepryl, plus a vitamin C daily.
> I was starting to experience longer down times than I was used to - before,
> I
> could pop a 25/100 Sinemet and with-in 15-30 min's I was back to
> functioning.
> Then my nuerologist decided that maybe 50/200 Sinemet CR (time released)
> would level out the down times, so he switched me to CR, plus I upped the
> Permax from .5 to .75 mg (still 3 times a day).  At 1st, it wasn't so bad,
> but then
> I noticed that when I 1st got up, the med's were taking longer to get me
> going.
> So, I called the nuero and convinced him to let me take (in addition) 1-2
> 25/100
> Sinemet 1st thing in the morning.  That seemed to work, at least for getting
> me
> moving (unfrozen) 1st thing in the mornings.
> I ran out of the 25/100's and decided that I should REALLY try to get by
> without
> them.  My down time (frozen) has continued to worsen, to the point now where
> it
> may take me 2-4  hours to get out of the frozen state - now, if I forget to
> take my
> med's, I can expect a longggg down time.  This sudden drastic change is
> scaring
> me - am I doing something wrong, has my PD taken a turn for the worse, or
> what?
> What else is different?  I just had disc surgery and can't sit for 6 weeks.
> No med's,
> just have to take it easy.
> HELP - mark