


hi sibling!

you wrote:
>What I feel sad and unresolved about is that we
>are 1600 good, caring people. We try out our ideas
>among each other. We weigh the pros and the cons,
>and we listen to each other...

i agree with you one hundred percent
what i keep calling a miracle
for want of a better term

>Yet,=A0when any one of us is treated unfairly...

i know that you are feeling frustrated and angry
maybe you don't have to feel that way

scott peck, in 'the road less traveled',
states plain and simple
life is difficult

this was mind boggling to me when i first grasped it
it made a dramatic difference to me
and how i viewed this crazy life

if i expect life to be easy
i will always be frustrated and disappointed

if i expect life to be difficult
i will be challenged and sometimes pleasantly surprised

he goes on to say that everything happens to us for a reason
and the core of that reason is to learn

so, accepting these concepts,
[not having come up with anything better]
i started looking at the trials and tribulations in my life

instead of
why me
this is so unfair
i started saying
here comes another test
what in heck am i supposed to be learning NOW

is not fair
and never will be

to rail against that
is to waste my time and energy while i'm here
and deflects me from figuring out my true purpose

with much love to you and yours

your syber-sys

