


Errrrrr.... I think ya DID get up on the wrong side of the bed today.. Ain't
ya ever heard  "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth"  <grin>

Now, m'dear, let's us.... you 'n me 'n Peter  'n all the rest of us on the
List.... just put a big smile on our collective and respective faces and give
the man a major "Thank you, Sir, for beating the US Government to the punch in
getting a significant amount of funds out there into the world of medical
research and dedicating it for Parkinson's Disease!"

Barb Mallut (with big smile on her face)
[log in to unmask]

From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of Camilla Flintermann
Sent:   Tuesday, August 25, 1998 8:45 AM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: I've got $ 50,000,000 of good news. by Dale Severance

Of course it's wonderful to have all this new money going into PD research--
but the other side of it is, here's ANOTHER PD foundation to add to the
several we already have--I hope the additional superstructure is justified
by the value that will be received, and not just a nice stroke for another
ego--do we really need to split our efforts further than they already are?
Maybe I got up on the wrong side of the bed today?

>The following article was found in Women magazine current issue.
>Edmond Safra, 66 the distinguished international banker, has just disclosed
>a news relwease that he has had Parkinson's disease for several years.
 He is in every way a  splendid
>man, so it is no suprise that he is launching a foundation supporting
>intp Parkinson's disease starting with $ $50,000,000 in funding from his

        Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter  80/9
        <[log in to unmask]>

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