

Hi Joan...

Please hang in thru this brouhaha, m'dear.  It'll soon pass and the tenor..
the "feel," of the List will remain essentially the same.

It seems that every 5 or 6 months some disgruntled (for whatever reason)
individual appoints themselves as the "Official List Police," and spews out a
buncha of orders they expect all here to immediately follow.

Threats of "just retribution" upon various List members and/or of quitting the
List are common "List Police" tactics.  Mostly, those of us who've been 'round
the block several times with this kind of things just do a mental shrug and a
"ho hum," figuring that's their choice, tho personal harassment by a "List
police" upon another member usually find's them off-list mighty fast 'cause
the list owner doesn't permit that.

While passive acquiescence is impossible with THIS feisty group of uniquely
independent individuals, GENERALLY a good suggestion on ways to improve or
speed up message reading and distribution is eventually followed up on by the
group (i.e., posting a message with an accurate, descriptive header, and other
similar suggestions).

You'll see... thing's soon right themselves 'round here...

Barb Mallut
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From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of Stan or Joan Snyder
Sent:   Tuesday, August 25, 1998 12:13 AM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        List Problems

Hi. I am very new to the list, yet I feel that I contribute enough so as
to be called a member of the "vocal minority". It breaks my heart to
hear one censoring another; feelings are bound to be hurt & I will be
afraid to ever post again. I don't understand the problem fully, I
guess. I have my list delivered in "digest" form. That way, two or
occasionally three times a day, I get my PWP e-mails all at once. From
there, it seems to be an easy process to scroll down, read what I want,
save it for later if I want or to delete the whole thing! I believe that
all of us have different needs & wants that are being fulfilled through
this wonderful
safe-haven of a list. The last thing we need is to frighten away any
based on a committe-like decision to judge what is appropriate. Those of
us who do contribute do so for a variety of reasons & should show (as
Camilla has already said) a little discretion when deciding how to
reply, but get over it! This
squabbling & in-fighting just destroys our solidarity! Face it-we all
need each other & (I suspect) we all have something to contribute!
thanks for allowing me this forum to openly express my views without
fear of censure.

Joan Snyder (47/8) "Do or do not. There is no try."-Yoda
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