

Ivan, I can relate to your post--it's hard not to be a bit cynical re: the
timing of the attack, isn't it.  Last night I caught just part of some
comments by our good Udall friend, Sen. John McCain, who seemed to be
striking a different note--he was pointing out some of the reasons behind
the hatred of America--the poverty and hopelessness which feed that anger,
and suggesting that these  long-run problems,which take more to *fix* than
just dropping a bomb, must somehow be tackled--then he smiled ruefully and
added, "but that takes time..." or words to that effect.   I also caught a
few minutes of the Larry King show, when Secy. of State Madeline Albright
was speaking. Larry pointed out to her that some people will say the strike
against terrorists will only cause more strikes back at us in
retaliation--her response was  "but they HIT us!", and I'm afraid that made
it sound like a playground squabble among kids!
In no way do I want to trivialize the horrible human tragedies which result
from such attacks, wherever they occur.  But I wonder if we can ever manage
to look behind the violence and search for the underlying causes.  True, we
did bomb Khaddafi in retaliation years ago--but it doesn't seem to have put
an end to terrorism, does it?
I'm with you all the way when it comes to reordering our priorities...

Ivan wrote:
>Ivan Suzman      48/12                 [log in to unmask]
>Portland, Maine   land of lighthouses     57    deg. F
>   I must say that I was quite shocked to learn today, upon telephoning a
>college classmate in Boston, that America had dropped 90 or 100 bombs on
>"terrorists." SNIPPED
>How many innocent lives are being snuffed out by bombs, while we who are
>sick and suffering see America's precious resources drained away into
>overseas military machoism again??
>IN the 60's, my two favorite buttons were "Make Bread, Not Bombs" and
>"What if they gave a war and nobody came?" Who has time for wars when
>people who are ill are left to die uncured?

        Camilla Flintermann                     <[log in to unmask]>


                        *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
                        *  "Our lives begin to end    *
                        *  the day we become silent   *
                        *  about things that matter.. *
                        *   ...Martin Luther King,Jr. *
                        *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***