

Bruce, and other listmembers: I have been spending more time lurking than
posting.  I have seen a lot of suggestions, many about myself and others who
post more than average to the list.  I plead guilty.  I read most of what is
posted.  I do not read everything, time does not permit.  I understand that a
group of 1600 assorted personalities will NEVER agree or appreciate every word
posted.  I have gotten a lot from the list, and want to contribute what I can,
without causing anyone to be upset, or to leave the list.  The worst thing I
did lately, was to send an attachment to the list, which was a mistake, and it
turned out to be many times larger than it should have been, due to another
mistake.  The list now has a filter, which will prevent that from happening,
in case someone else makes the same error.
I pledge to avoid frivolous posting, and multiple posting about anything not
relevant to PD, or helpful to PWP's, UNLESS it is so universal, or humorous,
that it could help almost anyone to have a better day.  Granted, that may be a
rare occasion.  I forget who mentioned the frequent posting that involves
publicly thanking for help, etc.  They too are correct.  It makes more sense
to do it in email.  The last thing this post is for is to generate more
posting, so if anyone DISAGREES with me, blast me privately, and spare the
others.  If you agree, just do as I do, or at least as I am trying to do.  As
I told someone the other day, I take criticism very well, I have been married
nearly 27 years and have two children, so if anyone wants to heap it on, go
for it!  (in email!) [log in to unmask]