

From: Stephanie M. Dorsch <[log in to unmask]>
To: Parkinson's Information Exchange <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Wednesday, August 26, 1998 1:31 AM
Subject: Re: Are Communication Losses Typical?

>>>        This is a message to Craig Mellinger, in response to a
>communication he
>>recently posted.  But I would appreciate comments from any and all.  I'm
>>just beginning my new life with PD and need some answers.
>>        I would appreciate a description of how and, especially, how
>rapidly your
>>problems progressed --- speaking, writing, thinking, typing, organizing
>>your thoughts.  I need to plan now if I am to turn my duties over to other
>>staff members.
>>Bill    64/2mo.
>i found  i was not able to remember phone conversations. example: when i
was finished with the conversation if i had not written down the time, place
and whom, i was meeting and why . I would not remember parts of this.
perhaps i would remember who but not the rest of the message. I found i
could not process simple questions easily, especially when I was tired.
this latter problem exhists today  when i am tired and frustrated. it is a
matter of persistance, don't give into it.
involved with an organization and conducting meetings. i would forget what i
was talking about.

I found with the medications and trying to keep stress out of my life,
"impossible to do" and rest.

the ability to retain what i had before pd has returnd to me. infact, i push
myself to do more  so my mind is constantly active.
As I have said before, i consider pd "my uninvited guest". i did not invite
it, i did not know when it was coming and i do not know when it will go. I
do the best i can within these boundries and as a good hostess i put a good
face on.
 My duties as a mother are reduced because my children are adults. My
husband retired. This has given me the opportunity to be involved socially.
i am a people person. i have many things i do to help me be part of society.
i feel better when i am out and doing.  I am most fortunative  after all
these years, to still be moble, literate and traveling about.
>59/11Shawn A. Dorsch
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