

Hi all: (I swore I wasn't going to do this but this is another subject
that's near &
dear to my heart!) As you may know, I used to be a damn good bartender &
restaurant manager in a previous life (before motherhood mellowed me &
PD disabled me!). I was also proud of my beautiful handwriting. Now, I
can hardly read my own grocery list! This has happened over the last 5
years of my disease. Over the last year, my voice has gone to hell. I
thought that it would be spared as
I need it to holler at my kids! Now , it wavers from nearly impossible
to understand to slow, tired & monotonous sounding. I think that God
must have a great sense of humour: teaching me humility & stopping me
from gossiping with one disease! Honest, I can laugh about it most of
the time! The thing that really bothers me the most, & I've never
admitted this to anyone is the way my brain works: I used to (had to) be
a juggler-I could juggle 20 thoughts and not drop one! Now, it seems
that since I can only perform one function at a time-& it requires all
of my concentration; that I can only think of one thing at a time. Some
would call this the gift of being focused (but I only thought that was
for actors who had the time to focus), but it really bugs me. I can't
remember something unless it's written down & I've already told you the
problems with my writing. Today, it really hit home when my 5th grade
daughter asked me to check her homework on a problem requiring logical
thinking or a 4 step process to get the answer. I couldn't do it! Now,
I'm afraid that I've gone & frightened the gentleman who asked for info
on the list, but I thought that it was only me; brain-
dead from the 70's and too much Mr. Roger's Neighborhood when the kids
were little. Anyway, the only way to handle it is to deal with it,
right? I try to uncomplicate my life which is hard because I still
insist on doing family finances
& to do each task with my full focused attention. The more plates that I
try to balance, the more I drop. Also, I try to not to worry. Worry is a
wasted emotional drain. Take your cue from your disease & try to go just
beyond what you see as your limit. I believe its better to burn out than
rust out. I wish you well as your new life with PD unfolds. It is a
challenge not to become overwhelmed at this early stage when you think
you have to plan for every eventuality. Prayers for all.

Joan Snyder (47/8) "Do or do not. There is no try."-Yoda
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