

Joan wrote:  SNIPPED
> The thing that really bothers me the most, & I've never
>admitted this to anyone is the way my brain works: I used to (had to) be
>a juggler-I could juggle 20 thoughts and not drop one! Now, it seems
>that since I can only perform one function at a time-& it requires all
>of my concentration; that I can only think of one thing at a time.

This is a true Parkie "blessing", Joan-- I've read on this list that PWPs
can only do one thing at a time, and I find this true for Peter also.  It
is hard for YOU and probably also for your family to accept and live with
this-- and maybe if you "reframe" it as "focusing" it helps a little--but
it's still scary and frustrating---anyway, it IS "PD normal", FWIW.

        Shalom and Love, Camilla
        <[log in to unmask]>

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