

Jane, et al...

I've lived with a torn rotator cuff in my left (primary) shoulder for 5 years
and now have the same problem in my right shoulder.  This is allegedly a
problem that strikes as many as 50 per cent of all Parkies, according  to
current research.

In addition to the above I have both rheumatoid and osteoarthritis.  I just
starting taking KNOX NutraJoint this past week because I've heard noting but
VERY positive things about it from other's I know how live with both types of
arthritis I mentioned.  Knox claims it takes about two months to work and also
states it's "NOT a pain reliever.  It's a nutritional supplement that helps
keep joints flexible."

I paid $6.99 (US funds) for a 14 day supply at my local market.  KNOX invites
all to call the following phone number for free membership in their "Partners
in Motion" program, plus money saving coupons:

1(800) 566-9435

As usual, I'll report back OT the List if and when I notice a response,
positive or otherwise, after taking the Knox NutraJoint for a coupla months.

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

        Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of Jane Bracken
Sent:   Wednesday, August 26, 1998 10:07 AM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: Possible Help for Back & Shoulder Pains!

My mother has been seeing a PT for a few months for her 'frozen
shoulder', and she still can't raise her arm.  When I saw Ellen's
posting yesterday (I'm still a few days behind) about the Knox
NutraJoint, I forwarded it to her right away, and she bought some within
hours.  She's been suffering from constipation for as long as I can
remember (years before the PD diagnosis), so if this will help either
one of these symptoms, we'd be thrilled.

Thanks for the info, Ellen.  Hope it works as well for Mom as it did for

Jane, CG for Ruth (56/2)