

YOUSA!!   I just received notice a few moments ago that I've been scheduled to
have a Social Security Hearing on Sept. 21, at 10:30 a.m.

This is a "combined" hearing encompassing my application for a Reconsideration
(to "reconsider" reinstating my SSDI benefits from the date they were stopped
because SSDI claimed I earned too much at the job I no longer have), an Appeal
for that, as well as application for a new SDDI account (starting over at
square one... ) and an Appeal for THAT, too.

GAWD,  I wish all 1600 of ya could be there in person with me, not only for
support, but to SHOW the judge how very DIFFERENT Parkinson's in each and
every one of us.

Please say a little prayer for me on Sept. 21, 'round 10.30, huh?

Barb Mallut
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