

        To all of you who answered by question regarding communication losses, my
heartfelt thanks.  It provided the exact information that I needed, going
into my next appointment with my neurologist.
        There was one aspect of your replies that caught me off guard, though.  I
was not prepared for the incredibly literate manner in which the replies
were phrased.  Without exception, the messages contained not only facts ---
but they also expressed feelings, longings, sharings of worries and offers
of help in a manner which would make a well-written book.
        So, my question to you is, were you all able to express yourself so well
before PD?  Is there some compensation for this disease which wastes the
body, while leaving the mind relatively alone?
        While we cannot communicate verbally as well as before, and our thoughts
may not flow as rapidly and smoothly, when you are in front of a keyboard,
with plenty of time to compose, do you write better now than in your pre-PD
        Silver lining?
        Thanks for being there, folks.  I'll need you even more in the future.

Bill Isbell            64/2mos.
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