

At 05:40 PM 8/27/98 -0400, Michel Margosis wrote:=20
> Gina wrote:=A0
> Yes, Gina sent me a pornographic material.=A0=A0 I threw it away but I did
> that since then I get so much Porn Material.=A0 One day I had 27 pieces of
> porn.
> on my list.=A0 I don't know what drives this stuff because I've never been=
> lover of Porn.=20
> This reminded me of the time, years back, when my brother took his wife to
> see a movie called 'I am curious yellow', a film that began the trend, and
> she said she was so shocked she could not get off her seat until after the
> next showing. True!=20
> Michel Margosis=20
> =A0 are you sure it was our gina? i never saw or hurd of porn on our list=
 i do
> not like it never saw any on the net. if our gina did it we should give=
> heck put good. like ken if you are wrong tell her you are sorry  gina i=
> not believe you would do any thing like that barb p wouls not let it
> through   ? I.Y.Q  =20