

Ivan Suzman said in part:

.  Mr. Clinton has not, in my humble opinion, advanced his
> position, or America's popularity, by using bombs to deflect attention
> away from Ms. Lewinsky.  If he would declare a "War on Disease," I would
> THEN be a warrior!!
> Meanwhile the War on Parkinson's must be fully funded. Until the
> government's priorities are changed, I  am truly too busy trying to
> conquer Parkinson's Disease to agree meanwhile  to another  war on
> "terrorists!"

I agree with Ivan that using tax dollars for a meaningful war to improve
the quantity and the quality of lives of pwp and to deter the disease from
appearing in more people is where federal spending is most needed.  Federal
waste on the "investigation" of Pres. Clinton has lost many dollars that
could have been spent on a number of more worthy causes.  Why should we sit
quietly if Pres. Clinton postures and tries to avert our eyes from his past
by making alot of noise with these hawkish behaviors?

As citizens, we have an obligation to let President Clinton know our
displeasure at his spending even more of the treasury on destroying others
instead of supporting congress to fund research for Parkinson's that is
robbing our country of productive, taxpaying citizens who could be
cured/helped by this wiser use of taxes.

Now is the time to call/write your representative/senator and ask for
support to fully fund the Morris Udall bill for Parkinson's research and to
earmark the funds for specifically Parkinson's research.  NIH could be held
accountable for the $$$ they are given when asked to earmark and then
report the results of those earmarked funds.  It is no more risky to fund
research earmarked for pd research than it is to stir up more world
aggression by using US monies to continue to look like the bullies that
many other countries already perceive the USA to be.

Jeanette Fuhr 47/9mo
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