

At 09:10 30/08/98 EDT, you wrote:
>of Ritilin twice a day.  I'm a little skeptical of this approach and would
>value hearing whether this has worked (or been tried and not worked) for
>others.  Thanks.  Jack Noble  67/4.
From what I understand Ritalin will boost your energy level, as it is a
stimulant, but it must be used with much caution where MAO inhibitors are
being taken, as it can elevate blood pressure to dangerous levels.

There is a huge amount of information on the net regarding the use of
Ritalin (Methylphenidate) because it is so commonly used for people with
ADHD.  However, if someone who does not have ADHD takes it they are more
likely to experience heightened levels of nervousness, even ticks and so on.

I looked it up for you but there is too much info to reproduce here.  I
found the best links under the "Ask Jeeves" search site.  If you haven't
heard of it simply go to
and type in "Ritalin".  Regards - Christine 47/4