

> Does anyone know where I can find an "official":
>     1) definition of Parkinson's
>     2) stages of Parkinson's
>     3) requirements for determining when disability exists

On the links page of the Parkinson Alliance I've tried
to place every site on the internet related to PD. The
actual papers pertaining to the stages of Parkinson's
can be found there.

The Social Security webpage has the "publicly
available" information concerning requirements related
to actual timing of disability. It's nothing more than
a web version of their handbook, plus information on
how to estimate your benefits. The insider information
just isn't available unless you work there or know
someone who does.

If you go to one of the search engines, such as
Infoseek, and do a search on "Social Security
Disability" you will find a lot of information stored
on different websites. Many have something to sell,
which might or might not have any value to you, but
there is also free information you might utilize in
your own application.

There are two almost absolute truths those of us who
have been through the process can say:
(1) Do not hire a lawyer until you have been declined.
(2) You will be declined.

I made it through the first time but only because I
have a wife who knows the process (part nurse/part
lawyer), and an old-time doctor who once said, "I'll be
damned if those ***** get away with trying to deny your
