

Dear Jeana and all--

Following Jeana's suggestion and Kathrynne's lead, I will offer a brief bio
for us.  Peter,who was 80 last May, diagnosed himself with PD in JUly 1989,
but in his old med records we see  suspicious symptoms  going back some 15
years. He retired from his job as head of the Humanities Reference Division
of the library here at Miami U, (Ohio) at 60 due to memory problems,
depression and stress. I was still working as a family counselor in a
private agency and retired in 1984.
We have two daughters, 3 grandkids, all fortunately nearby and supportive.

We joined the PDlist when our local support group heard about it. A year
later I started the CARE list for caregivers of PWPs, assisted by my
technical-expert- co-owner, Jeff Jones. (It uses a different listserv, at
Miami U., and has about 300 members in a lot of countries.)

Peter doesn't "do" the computing, but I read messages to him and he is
always interested in the info and discussions--we have a big hardcopy file
of posts on many subjects that we share with group members here.  These
lists are a wonderful resource for the day-to-day management of PD,and for
cracking the isolation so many PWPs and CG experience.

I hope others will follow Kathrynne's example and share brief bios---

        Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter  80/9
        <[log in to unmask]>

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                ** Ask me about the CARE list for  **

                **   Parkinson's caregivers !      **

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