

Whoops I said Joe, I meant George.  I get things turned around yet. Hopefully
with decrease in meds it will get a little better.
So George, George, George, I think this photo campaign can work.  I do feel
there are a few other people behind this that would do the same.  I may be a
little drop in a big pond, George, but I can send rings forever in that pond.
This would send a message I think well worth the time spent.  A silent message
with pictures and a brief intro.  Silent just like Mohammed Ali's Silence.
That could be the message, "Don't keep me in silence, Fund Udall".  Think that
will work?
Just let me know guy we'll be like Mr. Smith goes to Washington.  Only Mr.
Email back and let me know if you and anyone else can agree that this may be
something we can do.
Sorry again George about the namess
You can call me Susan.  My Grandfather did as he hated my real name.  I was
confused to say the least.