

Camilla:  Thank you and Peter for your participation in this adventure.  I
have hit upon a name for this "The Changing Faces of Parkinson's Disease".
This due to the fact that we do change.
I am fine tuning some suggestions so that we will all be aware of what is and
will be happening. Hopefully.  I will be sending more info later as I have to
find my Video Copy of "The Little Rascals"  the part of Spanky and the Wildman
for Borneo.  I have remembered this one all these years.
So, I will be sending an email to the List.  The more people involved the
better.  This is an adult light supervision if any I hate to have people hang
over me event.  You can start sifting through pictures, they should include
you if you are the PD person and if you wish family, caregivers, PD on the
job, before and after, color, black and white.  I happen to think some black &
white photos make a bold statement contrasting whites, greys & blacks.  Don't
find the tiniest photo maybe no smaller than 2x3 and really its up to you but
if you have a poster,  I don't know, Maybe PD Poster child no adult. LOL  Not
any over 8x10 or 11x14.  This should give you a basis for starting.
Remember to pick pictures you like or I guess not like.  You catch the drift
I'm sure
if you want to make a point for instance, a young you smiling boating,
golfing, just sitting with a smile, dog at your feet, children gathered round.
Before and then the after for me is cane, trying to bend, my funny spoons,
food all over my face, a bib etc.Just kidding but close.  Those darn tremors.
Seeing as spaghetti is my favorite I get a bib at Olive Garden.  I love Pasta.
So maybe this will get you started the other things are just bio's , mailing,
I'll be back.
Gina Sorry Camilla it is Gina, My grandfather hated my real name so he called
me Susan and I hated the way they pronounced my real name so it came out Gina.
You had to have known my family. They never agreed on much. No they never
agreed at all.