

Hi Marty:  I read your post and have a question for you or anyone who can tell
me this:  What is Oprah going to do for the Parkinson's Community?  I don't
really enjoy Daytime Talk Shows and believe a few deserve commitment.  A
goodly share is Sensationalism to get high ratings to keep them on the air.
The last time I checked Parkinson's was not very well known.  I have done my
share of educating where I live and go.  And in asking even my friends oh I
never knew what PD was until you got it.
I really am must curious of what Oprah has done for Serious Illness, Chronic
Illness, etc.  I don't watch, like I said so I don't know what illnesses she
has hosted and did anything come out of it?

If it is worth the cause, please send back her email address and I will join
the club.
Thanking you in advance.