

I still have this bummer ISP, AT&T [you may have heard of them].*  They keep
telling people that they are making a fatal error by sending  me mail.
Well, that may be true, but it seems to me that it is none of their dang
business.  They should just deliver the stuff and let people associate with
whom they choose, no matter what the consequences!  Anyway, if anyone else
sent me something today that they would have expected a response on, please
resend.  i did get mail today.
*I am trying to  hang on with them until ComCast activates the internet
cable they put down in front of my house last year, but i heard about
Satellite Access recently.  Is   only supposed to be about $40/ month & MUCH
faster than phone lines or cable.  Does ANYONE here know anything about it?
Thanks!!  We could all be beaming Oprah's address throughout the Universe
before we know it!

FEMA   If any of you have been affected by Bonnie or Earl, or more likely at
this point know of someone who has - a PWP, relative or anyone really - tell
them to call FEMA at once, no matter how minor they think their damage is.
They have all kinds of different funds available to help, including new
appliances no matter your income, funds to repair your car if it's your only
one and you need it to get to work or the doctor, funds to replace work
tools, school books,etc + the best  loans anywhere.  If you have any debt at
all it pays to take the SBA loans they offer  & pay back the old loan [just
don't tell them that is your intention, although they really don't care] I
worked 3 disasters for them - they worst being the Grand Forks, ND flood 18
months ago.  So many people don't go after the aid whose families will
suffer because of it you want to shake them. If you know anyone down there
tell them to call
800 462 9029 & sign up for an inspector to come out for a visit [usually an
old guy like me {some women also} - they discovered during Hugo in ' 89 that
the young guys asked for bribes - and not always money].   Feel free to seek
help from me if someone you know has problems.