

Hello List Friends,
                               this is day 7 of the "holiday", 4 days of
reducing and
now 3 days without any meds. I am feeling surprisingly well so far. The
mornings are still the best time for me, and I start to get some back pain
in the afternoons. My left leg flops a bit when walking, and the fingers on
my left hand get stuck occasionally. My speech has become quieter and a bit
more indistinct. However, I am still doing most things, if a bit more slowly
and clumsily than before. The biggest surprise to me is the absence of any
"off" periods. I expected to feel off most of the time, but this just has
not happened. I took the opportunity to cut the grass while I was still on
reduced meds, and also the weather allowed me to do it. I should really be
out there this afternoon, but I'm putting it off just now because of the
back pain. My arms sometimes appear to have a life of their own, adopting
strange positions when I am not doing anything. I really am pleasantly
surprised by how well things are going just now, and hopefully they won't
deteriorate further during the coming week.


Martin Purchase (44/3)

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