

Today's mail produced what I think is an encouragiing letter  from
Tom'Davies.I shall pick out what I think are the salient points:

"Thank you for writing to urge my  support for full funding of the
Morris K Udall ...Act,....... You and your colleague, Mrs Anne Gill, are
truly to be commended for the active roles you are taking  in garnering
support for this momentous piece of legislation.

"I was an original co-sponsor....I would support full funding in the FY
1999 appropriations process..."

He goes on to explain the funds allocation to NINDS and continues:
"you can be certain that I will support language and amendments...that
would appropriate full fundung .....for Parkinson's disease research.
"I look forward to the day Parkinson's disease is a curable condition.
Thank you again for taking the time to share your support with me...."

Well, what  say  you folks to that? I think it is pretty positive.

By the way, I've been invited to join the Northern Virginia Jewish
Community Center's Congressional Forum - get to meet all the local
congressmen, and help in their re-election campaigns, etc.  Sounds

Hilary Blue    '