

^^^^^^WARM GREETINGS  FROM^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Ivan Suzman         48/12         [log in to unmask]
Portland, Maine    Land of lighthouses    68   deg. F

  Welcome aboard, Jeana!
   Ii wonder if you can explain which symptoms improved post-pallidotomy,
and which did not.  Sorry about the struggle you have to find the
feelin'-good middle ground between dyskinesia and tremors.  Also, do you
have freezing-up episodes either with, or without tremors?

Write us again-we're with you 100%!

Tolcapone (Tasmar) aids me considerably, and has forestalled surgery.  I
tried Mirapex without lasting improvement.  Tasmar may be something for
you to consider now.


On Mon, 31 Aug 1998 22:57:03 -0400 Jeana Bartlett <[log in to unmask]>
>I am from Missouri and think that exposure to pesticides triggered my
 had a very successful>pallidotomy in 12/96.>I really needed a bilateral
but one side was enough for the first go =>around. I am nearing making a
decision on the other side. I was hoping
>for deep brain stimulation, but may have to have a pallidotomy. I am =
>really torn as to what to do. I wonder what lies ahead when I reach my
>50-60's and up.
>I have been married for 27 years, have two great boys.=20
>My main struggles are tremors vs. dyskenisia. Either I am "off" or i
>am =
>dyskenetic. Middle ground is rarely found lately. (SNIP)
>Jeana (46/13)
>[log in to unmask]