

Hi Listfriends,

After a long hot summer (it is still more than 100 here) I am picking up
things for several activities. The Udall Bill, the local supportgroup and
this list. I had stored 3000 messages. I read a few and the rest I filtered
(dispatched) to the folders that I have made for this purpose. I have seen
a lot of new nicks, but I also miss a few names. Sonia from Denmark, Hans
vd Genugten from Holland, Jeremy Browne from England and John Cottingham
(he is in Australia at this moment.

The quantity is enormous! Way too many to keep up. The quality is getting
worse.  E-mails as "hi XX" , makes the list way too long. I have noticed an
improvement in the use of the subjects. That makes it very easy to choose
the mail I want to read.

Keep up the good work

Kees Paap