

Good Morning: If we had a week-I could maybe tell you about this
subject! I am thoroughly convinced that stress & hormones have an
immense effect on the severity of my symptoms. My life has always had
alot of stress. When we moved
6 years ago, then made a visit to Mayo, those were stressful situations
but not enough to impact my PD. Shortly thereafter I started the process
to obtain my Social Security Disability. I credit that dehumanizing
process with the beginning
of my real decline. Add to that the death of my father-in-law, the kids
starting school, my husband getting shot (he's a City Inspector & was
shot in the head by a teenager with a high-power pellet gun while
driving his City car), my pallidotomies with my parents building onto
our house & moving out here with us(major destruction er, construction!)
& my dad's ever-worsening Alzheimer's
continued my decline. After finally making the decision to put dad in a
veteran's hospital, the torture continued as we made the long, terrible
trip to visit him 2 x
a week, second guessing ourselves and fighting among ourselves ( there
are 6 kids in my family & we can't agree on a restaurant much less
decisions like these). Then dad got really sick & had to have an
operation & was kept alive with feeding tubes, oxygen etc. until the
rest of the family finally came around to my point of view-that this was
not living & that we were keeping him alive for us rather than putting
daddy's wishes first & letting him go home. Altho, his death, visitation
& funeral were beautiful, it has been traumatic for me (he died in Feb.
of this year) & my symptoms stayed pretty much on an even keel through
all that-thank God, until reality stepped in and WHAM-O- I fell apart,
physically & emotionally. With what I'd been through, my neuro
recommended a rubber room
& can't believe that I keep digging down inside & somehow finding the
to keep going. I figure that I've had it no better nor worse than alot
of people and better than lots of folks because of my faith, my husband,
& my family & friends-
this includes the new friends onthis list

Joan Snyder  (47/8) "Do or do not. There is no try."Yoda
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