

Becky Potts wrote:
> Dear Listmembers,
>     I posted a message a few weeks ago about this project, and got
> about 30 great responses!  A huge thanks goes out to all of you who
> helped!!  However, to do a significant statisticl analysis I need many
> more responses.  I would be very grateful to anyone who will help!
>         My name is Becky Potts.  I'm going into my junior year in
> highschool.  I'm interested in this list for a few reasons.  My
> grandpa was diagnosed with Parkinson's a few years ago, but just
> recently I have become interested in scientific research of
> nuerological diseases.  I researched Huntington's Disease in depth
> after doing a small project and becoming interested in HD.  I learned
> that any science project to be done would take 5 to 10 to 20 years and
> would not be a highschool project, so I decided to switch my view to
> Parkinson's.  I did a little bit of research and discovered that it is
> not yet known for sure if  PD has a genetic link.  I thought that
> would be a great project for me to look into (especially considering
> that if there is a
> link then I may eventually develop the disease!).  My idea is to
> simply gather enough information (case histories of relatives with PD)
> to do a statistical analysis on the genetic link.  I would be
> extremely grateful if you could help me with this project.  I've
> gotten my data sheet figured out, so if I could ask a few questions it
> would be a great help.  (I need to have your permission to use this
> information in my study before I get into the fairs and symposia.
> There are two main possible risks: 1. Emotional Stress to you at
> speaking of this family illness,  2. Because you are responding by
> e-mail the response may not be completely private or secure, but I
> will assure you that I won't use any names, addresses, or identifying
> characteristics in my final project.  Thanks!)  Ok, here goes:
> 1. PWP's name
        Julie Berchenbriter
> 2. PWP's location (city, state/province)
        Cedar Rapids, Iowa
> 3. PWP's/your E-mail address
        [log in to unmask]
> 4. PWP's occupation
        Systems Manager
> 5. PWP's relatives with PD (if any) and the following info on them as well as PWP
        None known
> 6. gender
> 7. Onset Age (first symptoms)
        Approximately age 25
> 8. Diagnosis Age (when doctors diagnosed PD)
> 9. Age now
> 10. other illnesses PWPs have had
        Mitral valve prolapse
> 11. chemicals PWPs have been exposed to
        Possible chemicals in well water from fertilizer run-off
> 12. other trauma PWPs have endured
        No physical trauma; psychological trauma: divorce, ex-husband currently
battling pancreatic cancer
> 13. Ethnicity of PWPs (certain Italian and Chinese families have had
> unusual clusters of PD, so Ethnic Background may be a factor)
        German ancestry
> 14. Brief history of geopraphic locations PWPs have lived in  (if
> you've grown up in a pristine mountain valley or a huge smoggy city it
> could make a difference)
>       I spent the first 17 years of my life on an Iowa farm (thus the well water mentioned above), the next   12 years in Des Moines and Cedar Rapids, Iowa; then 4 years in Vernon, Connecticut; 4 years in Union    Lake, Michigan; and the last 11+ years back in Cedar Rapids.

> Wow!  What a list!  I hope  it's not too hard to track it all down!!
> I understand if you don't know all the info.  Thank you so much for
> helping!!
>       Becky Potts
> P.S.  if anyone is interested the results of my project, I will be
> posting them on the list and will also send the whole thing (paper,
> graphs, charts, etc.) via snail mail to whoever asks.  Thanks again!
Becky:  Hope the above info helps you with your project.  Good luck!>