

Dear George:  Thank you but I say we "Flood" the place.  If there are 1,600
Approximately on this list, send 1,600 plus to the people in charge of this
vote.  Sen. Kennedy, how about the whole panel, each person send to their own
Elected officicals in their state.  They need to see us all of us as a banded
group.  One's in wheel chairs, regular chairs, tilting to the right as I am.
I don't get tired it's just the movie comes differently to me, I have a pretty
good slat on life LOL.  If Congress is in charge of the bucks, lets hit them
with us, people from Podunk, USA trying to live a life as balanced as
possible.  If the House is in Charge than lets go that way, or the Senate or
all 3 as I'm sure we all have pictures as Parkinson's has left it's mark.  It
can't be that much to show these elected (ELECTED) officials who we are.  That
we have faces, names, spouses, children, pets whatever that we are trying to
live a normal life (whatever normal is).  I know I can't go to Washington, but
if someone with this group lives in Washington, maybe they can deliver to the
floor of all 3 houses our life portrait.  That we are not nameless, faceless
waiting in the wings for someone to finally see us for who we are.  People
everyday People.  I personally don't like have Parkinson's and will do most
anything as I sit here typing to stop my lips from quivering my head from
bobbing, my legs/feet/ankles from being beet red   and swollen.  From it
stealing my motor skills away from me.   No thank you.  Not my style.  So Joe
what do you think?  That should cover some of it.  Then we could always send
pictures to your state officials, we could become a force to be reckoned with.
I am angry that my doctor paid not attention to what I said about "MY BODY",
stating that it wasn't his problem.  Well, it was.  Joe, stop me when you've
had enough.  This is  cause I could get my motor skills into.
Hugs to you and yours
Hey, I have some new conversations if you would like to join me offline
The Medusa and Spellchecker incident.  But now there is Sinbad The Sailor not
the Comediene.  (Although I do like him)
Bye Joe