

Ivan Suzman said in part:

> The second reason I am writing is to respond to Craig Mellinger's
> concern, that perhaps I am too young and too physically well to be
> representative.  I fully share his concerns.  In a nutshell, I figure,
> ANYONE with PD who is not hiding it, who goes on TV,  gives us another
> small victory.  We MUST learn the art of media coverage if we are ever to
> be heard, however our community gains entry to the arena of TV, radio,
> movies, magazines and newspapers.

Ivan, I, too, appreciate Craig Mellinger's concern that healthy looking pwp
may give an impression that Parkinson's does not disable.  However, given
our media's tendencies to only show the young and the beautiful, it may be
that pwp have greater chance of getting noticed if some of us are shown as
the younger adults we are.  The other side is that the media likes to show
the tragedy of young wasted lives, and Ivan, who's life is certainly not
wasted, has had to give up his college professor career due to his struggle
w/Parkinson's and hopefully the media spot covering his golfing will also
note the long amt. of time it took him to compete and the complete
exhaustion felt after what to most his age would just have been a nice
afternoon of golf.

>   My philosophy is to keep doing as much as I possibly can, and
> meanwhile, be open about having Parkinson's DIsease.  This educates the
> public.
>   Why hide?  And meanwhile, why not have a little fun if you can, while
> promoting the cause-finding a cure for Parkinson's Disease, and making
> our lives a little less miserable along the way.

Like, Ivan, I'm determined to have some fun in my life and when the
opportunity arises to mention the struggle that pd management can cause for
me in my daily life and choices I make, I try to let others know that at
the present drugs help me alot but I'm counting on research for a
cause/cure for pd to allow me to live long and well.   Then I ask, " Would
you want to help by calling Senator Bond and Senator Ashcroft to support
the Udall bill for parkinson's research?   It's a very small piece of the
total budget for NIH and in election year, congress is more open to
tallying the number of calls and letters from constituents."
Jeanette Fuhr 47/10mo.
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