

Joan... and all ya other stressed-out Parkie-people...

I feel you're onto something there, Joan - something I call
"Accumulated Stress Syndrome."   In fact, that is the main
reason I've done so little posting (so little for ME, anyways)
<smile> in the past 3 or 4 months (tho I DO read all the
new List messages religiously each day).

This past year had been a rough one, and the last few
months have been the worst of all.   Nothing that I couldn't
handle if there was only one or two major problems at a
time, but to have a buncha of 'em dumped on me, one right
after another and sometimes simultaneously, has slowly
been knocking all the stuffing outta me.

WHEW!  It's times like these I wish I was marrier JUST to
have someone else around JUST to dump on! <rueful chuckle>

I've been able to handle and settle all but 2 (or 3, if ya count
what the terrible 100 + degree heat has done to my life) of the
stressful situations except for  - 1. My mother's ever increasing
dementia and ever more frequent lupus outbreaks,  and  2.  My 29
year old daughter's deciding she doesn't want to have anything
more to do with chronic illness, ergo, I can't LOOK "parkinson-y"
(like there's a CHOICE?) or talk about any PD-related topic with
her when we're together. (and 3?  Well, EVEN in sunny California
winter must EVENTUALLY come!) <can't be too soon for ME!>

I'm realistic about mom's decline and am doing what can be
done with the help of a social worker and a visiting nurse
agency.  And my daughter will prolly get over her reversion to
acting like she's in the "terrible two's," eventually, but GOOD -
between the two of 'em, I know I can count on some ongoing
accumulated stress for the foreseeable future.

And that's not even counting the Social Security hearing I'm
scheduled to have on Sept. 21....

up from chair and runs screaming 'round her wee office)

Oh, THANK you, THANK you, THANK YOU!   I really NEEDED
that outburst! <giggle>

Barb Mallut
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From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of Stan or Joan Snyder
Sent:   Sunday, September 06, 1998 11:07 AM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: Stress & symptoms

Good Morning: If we had a week-I could maybe tell you about this
subject! I am thoroughly convinced that stress & hormones have an
immense effect on the severity of my symptoms. My life has always had
alot of stress. When we moved
6 years ago, then made a visit to Mayo, those were stressful situations
but not enough to impact my PD. Shortly thereafter I started the process
to obtain my Social Security Disability. I credit that dehumanizing
process with the beginning
of my real decline. Add to that the death of my father-in-law, the kids
starting school, my husband getting shot (he's a City Inspector & was
shot in the head by a teenager with a high-power pellet gun while
driving his City car), my pallidotomies with my parents building onto
our house & moving out here with us(major destruction er, construction!)
& my dad's ever-worsening Alzheimer's
continued my decline. After finally making the decision to put dad in a
veteran's hospital, the torture continued as we made the long, terrible
trip to visit him 2 x
a week, second guessing ourselves and fighting among ourselves ( there
are 6 kids in my family & we can't agree on a restaurant much less
decisions like these). Then dad got really sick & had to have an
operation & was kept alive with feeding tubes, oxygen etc. until the
rest of the family finally came around to my point of view-that this was
not living & that we were keeping him alive for us rather than putting
daddy's wishes first & letting him go home. Altho, his death, visitation
& funeral were beautiful, it has been traumatic for me (he died in Feb.
of this year) & my symptoms stayed pretty much on an even keel through
all that-thank God, until reality stepped in and WHAM-O- I fell apart,
physically & emotionally. With what I'd been through, my neuro
recommended a rubber room
& can't believe that I keep digging down inside & somehow finding the
to keep going. I figure that I've had it no better nor worse than alot
of people and better than lots of folks because of my faith, my husband,
& my family & friends-
this includes the new friends onthis list

Joan Snyder  (47/8) "Do or do not. There is no try."Yoda
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