

Wait a second Don, I am confused!  You get some Cognac, Sherry, etc., but you
gave up drinking, and somehow you ended up on your roof?  AND while you were
up there, you finished half of the roof?  (Note to bartender: I'll have some
of what Don is drinking......with a twist of lime, Thank you!)  I won't climb
on my roof when I have not had a drop to drink!  Especially during hurricane
season!  Seriously, Don, and others: there is a program on the net:  It allows you to see an Arial view of the
earth, that you can keep clicking until you may see your own house, from the
sky.  I was thinking about trying it out on Don's roof.  Maybe I can see him
up there?  I have not had time to see my own house yet, but I got close enough
to see the local airport.  It is fun, and it works, try it!
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