

Dear Ruth,

You are wrong about the wheel chair level and right to have used one.

>> . . .  before I hit the wheel chair level,  But time is running out
and I used a wheel chair for the first time (except for flying) to attend a
concert.  I
decided unless I was willing to be a hermit, I was going to have to ask for
help.  It was hard to have someone push me around, but safe from freezing in a
crowd of people!  Having had PD for only nine years, it seems premature to be
in a wheel chair yet. Has anyone out there gotten to that stage so early?<<

Maybe I'm 'wrong' but I have never heard a doctor mention the 'wheel chair
level' of PD.  Getting into the 'the chair'  doesn't mean you won't get out
of it.

The important thing is that you went to that concert.  Socializing and
doing the things you want to do are way more important than the moderate
embarassment you experienced being pushed around.  A fair number of PWPs
who came to Washington to advocate 'used' wheel chairs.  Some days they
were pushed other days they did the pushing and some days they left the
chair at the hotel because they didn't need it.  It's sad to think of so
many people who stay at home alone or watching TV because they don't want
to be seen walking with a cane or walking stick or being wheeled about in a

If you are determined to avoid staying in a wheel chair keep up your
exercise and balance training.

-Ken Aidekman

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