

  I am a professor of psychology and have worked with college students on
various research projects over the years.  You are the first high school
student I have encountered with the curiosity and ingenuity to undertake a
really neat study and I admire your efforts.
  I write to offer a suggestion. Contact Dr. Stanley Fahn --or anyone in his
research group--at the Dept of Neurology, Columbia University College of
Physicians and Surgeons, Presbyterian Hospital, NY 10032..  They have been
looking at the link between PD and genetics and have done some population
surveys.  You need to look at what has been published and perhaps get some
info re what is not yet published.
  Your work will be a contribution to the literature and one of the current
researchers may want to use your data in combination with his or her own.
Good luck with completion of your project and call on me if you want some help
in analyzing your data or writing it up.
  Sharon Golub, Ph.D.