

Hi Hilary,
No I haven't made a decision yet. I go see my neuro 10/6. Right now though,
he says private insurance won't cover it. This is the first I have heard
about a deeper version. Also, I don't have anything on what you are asking.
All I can give you is Medtronic 1-800-328-0810 and they will send you a
packet of info. In the info packet there is a card that you can send them
for Clinical Information. Or maybe if you call, they will go ahead and
include that info with the basic package. There is also a list of regional
facilities that do the DBS.
Wish I could help more. Whatever I do, I will do it at the Medical College
of Georgia. That is where I had my pallidotomy.
Let me know what yuo decide.
Jeana 46/13
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