

On Wed 09 Sep, Bonnie Cunningham, R.N. wrote:
> Dear Listserv Members:
> While so much of the information on this listserv is excellent (I do think
> that PWP are amongst the most educated about their illness), it sends
> shivers up my spine reading of some people breaking caplets and "snorting"
> it's contents!
I agree completely Bonnie.  I would like to mention one way to satisfy the
the impatient folk who want Instant Sinemet! (Unfortunately this way is not
open to US residents because it requires the use of Madopar instead of
Sinemet. (Madopar is a Trade mark of Roche pharmaceuticals). They market
their own versions of Sinemet equivalents, but they also make a 'Dispersible'
version which is made to disolve in water. (I prefer to suck them like candy,
because they also contain some citric acid to give them a pleasant flavour.)
The important point is that a Madopar dispersible 'Kicks-in' as they say, in
30 minutes precisely (for me) whereas a conventional Sinemet or Madopar
tablet takes about 1 hour and the CR versions (Controlled Release) take
even longer. (That is my personal experience.)
    Maybe you deprived PWPs in the USA should start a campaign for Madopar
in the USA?

Brian Collins  <[log in to unmask]>