

Mark Steiner wrote:
> would someone please comment;
> my doctor prescribed, as an initial dosage, 2x100mg tasmar daily
> however, my pharmacy, athena home, issued enough for 3x100mg daily,and
> indicatd so on the label
> is 200mg or 300mg considered the correct initial dose?
> mark steiner

The "official" Tasmar information sheet issued by Roche (to doctors)
suggests starting with 100mg 3 times a day (300/day) although the
optimum indicated by trials may be 200mg 3 times a day (600/day).
BUT as some listmembers have already warned, the decision is for your
doctor to make, not you! Never let the information seen in a place
like this forum be a substitute for responsible medical advice.
That said, Roche also advises in effect that, if dyskinesia appears
or worsens upon starting Tasmar, that indicates the drug is doing
its job, and your doctor should respond by cutting your dosage of
levodopa. Remember, the information channel between you and your
doctor is a two-way street, and he depends upon you to tell him
how you respond to his prescribed dosage. Cheers,
J. R. Bruman   (818) 789-3694
3527 Cody Road
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403-5013